Monday, February 16, 2009

Losing my blog virginity

As I stated earlier in my profile, I decided to start my first ever blog because sometimes I just want to talk, regardless of whether anyone is actually listening. I guess you could say I just like to hear myself talk.

Anyway, welcome to my first post, anyone who reads this, I think I'll start by introducing myself. My name is Paige, at the time of this writing I am 18 years old and I live in Portland, Oregon. It's a pretty nice place, the people are amazing, and I hear the night life is even better. I don't get out much, mainly because even after living here for almost two years now, I don't know many people. To be honest, most of the people I befriend are older than myself, and seeing as Oregon is so strict in it's liquor laws, half the time I can't hang out with them. It's not like they spend all their time in bars, but our favorite restaurants, for example, shut their doors on minors after certain hours.
I was born in Portland, but from '98 to '07 I lived in the UK, so I spent my most influential years in that culture; people there are way more laid back. For example, in England, although the drinking age is 18, it is perfectly legal for anyone over the age of 14 to order one glass of wine with a meal in a restaurant. It is also legal to be in the bar underage, whereas here there are all these stupid 'NO MINORS ALLOWED ON THESE PREMISES' signs all over the bloody place.
To be honest it really just pisses me off that I can't hang out with whomever I want, wherever I want. I couldn't possibly expect them to change their usual haunts for my sake, they have every right to drink with dinner or simply hang out at the bar, but I don't see why I cannot join them. Sure, if I were to actually try to order an alcoholic beverage, by all means, please, kick me out, but I have never tried to do so, and I have no plans to try it anytime soon.

I feel I should explain some things about me and my shiny new blog: I like to write; Breakfast with my Shadow is my favorite song by a lovely little band by the name of Cloud Cult; Rosencrantz is a character from Hamlet by William Shakespeare, and (my absolute favorite play) Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead by Tom Stoppard; Finally, I should warn you now that I tell absolutely pointless stories. Stories that, before they come out of my mouth, sounds fascinating in my mind, but once I've started talking I realize are actually ridiculous and boring, but by that point it is too late to stop myself. Because of this, I often feel that people find me boring, and, even more so, somewhat mentally challenged. I just thought I would put that out there, because if anyone actually decides to read further posts here, they may be disappointed by the lack of interesting anecdotes or humorous shenanigans.
I am, as this blog is quickly revealing, a very open person; I have no problem discussing the dirty little details of my life. I have very little self-esteem, overwhelming paranoia and a wild imagination. I am ridiculous. I am immature, and I plan on staying that way. I am dyspraxic, therefore I tend to walk into things and fall over frequently. I have fallen hard recently for a boy, but he does not seem to reciprocate those feelings, and I have accepted that. I just wish he wasn't so blind to the consequences of his play-flirting. I have several best friends, most of which are currently in the UK, and I miss them terribly. I hope to save up enough money to some day fly back and see them, but life in the theater does not pay too well, so I may be saving for a long time. I am also saving for my first tattoo, which I plan to procure on or around my 19th birthday (25/8) later this year.

I must be off now, as I have to fine-tune my monologues for my upcoming audition for The Importance of Being Earnest this Thursday. If I do not write again before that, I shall at least document how everything goes and whether or not I am invited to callbacks.
