Thursday, March 31, 2011

I wanted to be the one with her boobs out.

I'm not. I'm the hooker, though. And a girl at the bus stop. And a woman at the wash and dry.


Auditions for An Adult Evening With Shel Silverstein were held yesterday and I agreed to step in and read with a couple of the boys who didn't have anyone to read with. Now I'm in three plays. don't get me wrong, I'm stoked that she thought I could do it, I just don't have the confidence in myself to perform in three plays in a show I'm already production manager of, as well as memorizing four monologues for class.

This afternoon I was cast as Sherilee in Buy One, Get One Free, Celia in Bus Stop and Marianne in Wash and Dry. Well, I'm glad someone has confidence in me.

I'm going to break both my legs!