Thursday, November 4, 2010

When I grow up...

...I'm going to live in a small, comfortable flat in the south of England. Glastonbury, maybe, or Bristol. I haven't decided yet. I'm going to have a job that pays enough for me to live comfortably in this comfortable little flat, possibly in a pub or a nice bookstore. Somewhere I can converse with regular, familiar faces and still have plenty of opportunities to meet new ones. I'm going to share this little flat with someone I love, be it roommate or lover, and we will be happy.
This person is going to love me back, because I am tired of one-way relationships. I have a history of finding my way into relationships (not necessarily of the romantic variety) with individuals who want something from me that I blindly give without asking for anything in return. Lately, it's been sex. I fall for men who want sex without the 'burden' of a relationship. I just want to find someone who doesn't find me completely useless that I can call my own. Is it so old-fashioned to want a monogamous relationship with someone I care about? Apparently, yes. FML.

1 comment:

  1. OK first of all, you are far too young to feel like you have had enough! But at the same time, ONE is all takes to "have had enough" so f*ck that noise. Don't give up. It took me 31 years to find that good one and countless douchebags in the meantime. I know it sucks and it's hard, but keep your chin up so you can see the one when he's checkin' you out! :)
    p.s. NO it is NOT too much to ask god damnit!
